nakametpy.grads module

class nakametpy.grads.Dimension(data, var)[source]

Bases: object

A GrADS Dimension is used to describe the coordinates of a Variable. See Dimension.__init__ for more details.

class nakametpy.grads.GrADS(filename, endian=None, do_squeeze=True)[source]

Bases: object

A nakametpy.grads GrADS is a collection of dimensions and variables.

The following class variables are read-only.

`dimensions`: The dimensions dictionary maps the names of dimensions defined for the Dataset to instances of the Dimension class.

`variables`: The variables dictionary maps the names of variables defined for this Dataset or Group to instances of the Variable class.

class nakametpy.grads.Variable(binname, varname, varid, loop_block, nx, ny, nz, nt, endian, undef, desc, do_squeese)[source]

Bases: object

A GrADS Variable is used to read 4 bytes direct access binary data. They are analogous to numpy array objects. See Variable.__init__ for more details.

sel(zidx=None, tidx=None)[source]